Lastminute prevention: The decisive small extra of security


Lastminute prevention: The decisive small extra of security

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October 4 is fixed, the summer weather rocks, your motivation has increased like a diver before his triple somersault: Yeah, there will be a Cologne Marathon 2020! Generally known (half) marathon times are made in winter time. Now it is only time for the last ‘polish’ trainings, for the last very long runs. And it is time to focus on one thing: Is your body really fit for the (half) marathon?

For those who did not have a sports medicial examination yet it is the final call. No worries, this examination is not compulsaory! But if you want to have fun for a long time it should be done. (Pro tipp for insured persons of Die BERGISCHEN Krankenkasse: We will refund the costs in the FlexiBonus as a voluntary service!)

Even now when the summer heat afflicts the runners intensively the view onto the own physical limits and pecularities is elementary. Even though you are well trained and have prepared for a long time you should be aware: A marathon or half marathon is an enormous endurance test for the body. But a wonderful one 😉


Sports medical examination: Do I really need it?

Sport medicine specialists advise to examine sportspeople when the training get more intense and competitive ambitions become more concrete. Then the results can be included into the training and measures like foot orthotics or individual analyses of the cardiovascular system can further support the development. But also at the end of the marathon preparation runners are well advised to do it.

What will happen at a sports medical examination? The physician and the runner will speak about the general sportive situation: pre-existing illnesses, familial impacts, current training intensity and sportive aims. Then an ECG will be recorded and the patient will be checked completely. Even an endurance test will be done to secure that the heart will withstand the enormous strain of intensive training and finally the competition. The other part of the examination will deal with bones, joints and the locomotor system. The physician will look for distinctive features in the sceleton, divergences in posture and, if applicable, focus on pain. Afterwards it will be clarified how weak points can be supported and distinctive features can be compensated.

When completely checked you can train safer and start into the competition with a good feeling .

Super safe and absolutely full-throatedly!